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Construction defects can occur just as easily in condominiums as they can in houses. Just as the owners of houses have the right to take action, so too do the owners of condos. When a condo owner discovers a leak, water damage, mold damage or any other construction defect, he or she can seek compensation for damages through legal action.
However, there are definitely major differences in how these cases unfold.
One of the unique aspects of these cases is that if there is a defect in one unit, there might be a defect in more units. In fact, because developers and construction companies often work on many condominium developments, the defect may even run through multiple developments.
Upon discovering a defect, a condo owner may want to communicate with the condo association as soon as possible to determine the full extent of the problem, and the association may need to determine what steps to take to resolve the issue.
Condo owners have the right to expect that their home be defect free and that discovered defects be repaired as soon as possible. Condo associations have rights and responsibilities as well, and one of those responsibilities may be to see that the damage is repaired to ensure a livable environment and to prevent further damage. The money spent on the repairs may be recovered in a construction defect lawsuit.
Whether you are a condo owner or a representative of the condominium association, you may want to discuss the matter with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible to learn about your rights, responsibilities and options for moving forward.
At Heekin Law, P.A., we have decades of experience representing condo owners and condo associations in construction defect claims. From determining who is responsible for the defect to offering guidance on repairs to taking action to pursue compensation for damages, we are comprehensive in our approach to these complex cases.