Start With a Free* Consultation – (904) 355-7000
If you own your own business or are planning on starting a business, chances are you haven’t considered all of the issues that can develop between partners, employees, subcontractors, and suppliers. A prudent recommendation is to have a competent and experienced business law attorney review any of the contracts, internal documents and agreements your business has entered into, to protect the integrity and well-being of your business operation. St. John’s County and specifically the City of St. Augustine is a wonderful place to conduct business with its booming tourist trade combined with the dynamic population growth it has been experiencing in recent years. Businesses of all types including retail, construction, commercial entities, and even some light industrials have developed, and where specialized services were only available in Jacksonville a few years ago, are now commonplace and readily available. Also, with this rapid economic growth comes an expansion of support services and the demand for highly diverse, legal advice from business law attorneys becomes even more important. That is where a firm like Heekin Law, P.A. comes in, to offer a wide range of business and commercial law expertise. We provide proactive transactional law assistance with business formations, contract creation and review, employment and non-compete agreements, franchise law, creditors rights for commercial businesses, construction trade, homeowners and condo associations disputes, and real estate transactions. Heekin Law, P.A. attorneys are also very seasoned and skilled at litigation involving dispute resolution of complex legal issues along with extensive trial experience in local, state, federal and appellate courts. With over 70 years of shared business law experience, Geoff Heekin and Hunter Malin are experts at advising and solving legal matters in cities throughout Florida.
The legal practice of business law is different than most attorney-client relationships because of the complexities involved and the level of training and experience needed to properly advise a client. Business law attorneys should be very familiar with your specific type of business and industry to be effective. At Heekin Law, P.A. we pride ourselves on having a diversified legal practice with over 70 years of shared legal experience representing clients in many diverse businesses including retail, food services, commercial and financial services, construction, real estate, and association law for homeowners and condominiums just to name a few. One of the most important factors when choosing a business law firm is their level of experience in and out of the courtroom. At Heekin Law, P.A. we named ourselves after the last and strongest legal position a client and attorney should take to solve an issue or resolve a legal dispute. Our first choice is to negotiate on behalf of our clients and seek out durable and long-lasting resolutions without damaging a relationship that might serve both parties mutual interest. Litigation in most cases should be the last step one takes to resolve a problem due the time and expense involved for all concerned. The first step in avoiding legal issues is to seek the advice and counsel of a business law attorney from the outset. Relying on that advice and expertise is paramount to avoiding problems down the road. Geoffrey Heekin and Hunter Malin believe that by providing a personalized solution to each individual client’s legal needs is paramount to success. Our clients, for the most part, treat our firm as if we were in-house legal counsel which makes our lines of communication that much more effective. Give us a call for a free, no-obligation consultation and see what makes us different from the standard, run-of-the-mill business law firms. Give us a call in our Jacksonville office at 904-355-7000. Servicing the needs of businessmen and women throughout Florida.