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As if the outbreak and spreading of this potentially deadly disease were not enough, with increased pressures added to the home front, many couples are considering whether their relationships are strong enough to even withstand COVID-19. State issued closings of schools, churches, restaurants, retail centers, recreational venues like beaches and public parks, even golf courses, and exercise facilities are making life, a little less enjoyable and a lot more stressful. Individuals are starting to feel the effects of mandates designed to limit their exposure to this virus. Added to these issues are the physical office and business closures ordering workers to work from home, testing many a relationship on sharing home office space and increased time spent in the company of one’s spouse, companion or significant other. Couples are finding out just how this 24/7 close association and forced compatibility is actually working out.
One of the most challenging issues facing parents today is school-age children relegated to staying home, completing online courses and homework assignments with the absence of monitors or teacher support in most cases. Having to deal with children, even well-behaved or more mature kids home, day in and day out, is still a constant strain that can unnerve even the most patient of parents. Also, the division of responsibilities shared by parents involves a new set of challenges most of us have never had to deal with before, certainly not on an ongoing basis with no immediate end in sight. Many families are being pushed to the breaking point and without an offsite outlet, to take a break, or get away from it all, many are having trouble solving problems or finding remedies to these newly faced dilemmas. Many workers have been laid off or given their outright release from jobs employers can no longer financially support. These issues of job security are becoming an ever more increasing emotional challenge for workers as well as their families. The marriage-in-trouble statistics caused by these and other problems have not yet been revealed, but an already overburdened marital and family law legal system seems poised to face some of its most difficult and arduous challenges. At Heekin Law, P.A. we have seen many social and economic issues couples face over the 30 or so years we have been practicing law. Our lead marital and family law attorney, Hunter Malin understands that couples are not immune to the many forces outside of their control and that having to face additional issues brought on by this pandemic outbreak, could result in an increase in relationship and family breakups.
At Heekin Law, P.A., our marital and family law attorneys are sensitive to the problems couples and families face and we are equipped to offer a clear direction forward, in such cases. Our lead divorce attorney, Hunter Malin incorporates over 20 years of legal experience with a heart-centered and intuitive approach that has served his many clients well creating durable and effective legal outcomes. Hunter understands that no two marital and family law cases are the same and that to meet or exceed his client’s goals takes a skilled negotiator with an unquenchable desire to win. Aggressive and supportive legal representation is oftentimes the best remedy and your best chance for a desired and successful outcome. Give us a call at 904-355-7000 for a free, no-obligation family law consultation. Competence, compassion, experience and legal knowledge, combined with an aggressive commitment, usually wins the day. At Heekin Law, P.A. we handle all facets of marital and family law including divorce, contested and uncontested, child support and custody, alimony, paternity, division of assets, military divorce, modification of a court order and even spousal abuse. From our offices in Jacksonville Florida, we handle cases all over North Central and Northeast Florida in local, state, federal and appellate courts.